Web Development & Cloud Services

Web Development & Cloud Services

GeekPros Computer Services does so much more than building beautiful web sites. Our goal is to work with you to learn about your needs and then find a solution that offers value, quality and return on your investment.

We can work to update your current website or design something new. We can help you create or transition to a content management system (CMS) such as WordPress, and can design a layout from scratch or help you chose a pre-made template.

Why use a Content Management System (CMS)?

In today's connected world, fresh content is more important than ever. Many business owners and entrepreneurs want to be able to add pages, change text or add content, such as Data, Photo Galleries, Media Files, and any other content you are using.

One of the main reasons to get your site created or migrated to a CMS platform is that there is no need to pay an expensive web developer to make changes to your site. With many CMS platforms out there, we can help decide the best choice for open-source CMS systems, to give you a user-friendly, programming-free way to add unlimited pages, posts, photos, videos, blogs, and more to your site.

We provide training and security support so that you can focus on your content and your business.

Optimize your website or CMS for mobile devices?

A great mobile experience is becoming critically important, as a majority of web users today access the internet using mobile devices, and some use mobile exclusively. A site that's not designed for mobile devices can leave users feeling downright frustrated, and this translates directly to a less favorable view of your business.

Get mobile optimized!

A mobile-friendly website will boost your business's sales, and exposer. If your site offers a great mobile experience, users are more likely to make a purchase or trust your business whereas non-mobile friendly sites can hurt a company's reputation.

Cloud Services, and Support.

GeekPros Computer Services can put your business on the Cloud. We provide full setup, and backup configurations. As well we support businesses that are Cloud Computing Service Providers.

What is the Cloud?

Cloud services means services made available to users on demand via the Internet from a cloud computing provider's servers as opposed to being provided from a company's own on-premises servers.

Cloud services are designed to provide easy, scalable access to applications, resources and services, and are fully managed by a cloud services provider.

A cloud service can dynamically scale to meet the needs of its users, and because the service provider supplies the hardware and software necessary for the service, there's no need for a company to provision or deploy its own resources or allocate IT staff to manage the service.

Examples of cloud services include: Online Data Storage, and Backup Solutions, Web-Based Email Services, Hosted Office Suites, Document Collaboration Services, Database Processing, and Managed Technical Support Services and much more.

So call GeekPros Computer Services, and we will have surfing the cloud in no time.